Devotional | How Are Children Like Arrows?

This passage of Scripture talks about partnering with God to raise our children by teaching, training, and transitioning them into adulthood. God has a lot to say about the home and how to raise children who are functional, prosperous, and fruitful in the Kingdom.
God sees children as gifts and blessings, full of faith and trust (Matt 19:14). He sees children as arrows in the hand of a warrior, and He wants them to be protected and well cared for (Luke 17:1-3).
The Role of Parents as Warrior
There are absolutely no perfect parents. And beyond that, there are no perfect children. You are called by God as a parent to be a warrior. It is a daily battle to raise children, and it is not for the faint of heart!
Raising godly children is preparing them to do battle in the future. It is training your children as arrows in the hands of warriors (you) who will launch them into the world to be effective, productive, and fruitful blessings in His Kingdom.
Three Parts of an Arrow
Shaft – This middle section of the arrow represents the length of time you have your children in your care and under your covering.
Head or Tip – The lead section of the arrow represents their purpose in life—hitting the target. Each one of your children has a purpose, designed by God. They need help to discover that purpose.
Feathers – The rear section of the arrow represents the guidance system of the arrow for accuracy. This guidance system is the governing principles and foundational truths of life.
As a parent, you have a limited amount of time to teach, train, prepare, and transition your children before they are launched as arrows into the world. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a training manual to guide us and the Holy Spirit to lead us. Let’s look at some practical tools for the journey.
Stages of Child Development
Training Stage (0-10 years) Intense training period.
Teaching Stage (10-20 years) Focus on teaching life skills and principles.
Transition Stage (20+ years) Transition to adulthood and parents transition from guardians to life coaches.
The Scriptures are clear on adulthood and when you are to transition from being a parent to a friend and/or coach for your children. The biblical age of accountability is 20 (Exod 30:14; Num 1:20). This is when God said they had responsibility for paying taxes, going to war, and the consequences for their actions. You have from 0-20 to train and teach your children before it is time to cut the parental cord.
First Stage – Training (0-10 Intense)

There is a difference between teaching and training. Training is a repetitive, habitual, consistent process with rewards and consequences. Teaching is primarily verbal instruction. From 0-10, children are not equipped (mentally) to process the concepts that teaching requires. The word child in Strong’s Concordance means the age between infancy and adolescence. 0-10 is heavy on training.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
All of the training, teaching, discipline, and equipping required during those first 10 or so years is for the sake of your children—to ensure things will go well for them and they will live long on the earth. Obey and honor are stages in the parenting process. Obey is the primary element during the training stage, with repetition, consistency, discipline, and rewards. Honor is the primary element in the teaching and transition stages (the teaching stage involves obedience as well).
Second Stage – Teaching (10-20)

My son in Hebrew means youth. Teaching, instruction, and the reasons why your children need to obey are elements of this stage. Youth are now cognitively developed enough to understand teaching concepts. It is a parental responsibility to equip their children with the basic skills of life, identity in Jesus, and a good work ethic.
Third Stage – Transitioning to adulthood (20+ years)
Also parents transition from guardians to life coaches during this stage.
Purpose of Marriage
Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.
Malachi 2:14-15 NKJV
Marriage is a covenant. Through it, God is looking for GODLY offspring. Part of the transition to adulthood for your children will be helping them to choose their spouse and preparing them to be a faithful spouse. There is major opposition to biblical principles, especially marriage and discipline in today’s culture. Godly parenting will prepare your children to stand on the Word of God throughout their lives.
To learn more about how to raise children who are functional, prosperous, and fruitful in the Kingdom, check out our study program on USB.
This comprehensive package is perfect for individual study or group discussion, empowering you with practical steps to train and teach your children from the Word of God.
What’s Inside the USB Package:
- The printed book Children As Arrows
- Study materials and workbooks for deeper understanding
- Brother Duane’s video teachings that expand on the book’s key principles

Commit to Raising Your Children as Arrows through the guidance of God’s Word.
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