
Testimony | You Are Who HE Says You Are!

Posted on:  March 11, 2025 



Have you heard the saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know?”

This is one of those statements that makes you stop and think, “Wait. What?!?” Regarding your walk with the Lord, you don’t know what you haven’t discovered in God’s Word. And you don’t know what you don’t know, until you need it. The following is a testimony we received last year at the Grace & Faith Conference: 

This is the testimony of a family who needed MORE of the truth of God’s Word and the faithfulness of the Lord to show them.

Senthil and his family live in the south of England. He and his wife, Victoria, gave birth to their son Derek 11 years ago, and he was perfectly healthy during his first three months of life. Inexplicably, he started having a systemic illness that remains a mystery to this day. Senthil and his wife are both doctors, and they visited many other doctors, trying multiple medical treatments to no avail. There were no answers or solutions.

Baby Derek was covered head to foot with a rash so violent, the 3-month-old would scratch until he had blood all over himself. He could not be left alone, even to sleep. Steroids were barely controlling his symptoms, and they had to hold his arms down 24/7. For 3 months, Derek’s parents did everything they knew to do, exhausting themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. They didn’t know what they didn’t know.

Senthil and Victoria are both born-again Christians who described themselves at the time as ‘new or baby’ Christians. They believed Jesus is God, and the Bible is truth, but confessed they didn’t have a wealth of biblical knowledge. They prayed and believed healing was possible, but it was a fairly raw concept for them. When Derek was 6 months old, some friends invited them to attend Andrew Wommack Ministries, Grace and Faith Conference.

What they learned at the conference radically changed their Christian life, the way they pray, and their identity as believers. Brother Duane and Andrew Womack both spoke several times, teaching and explaining the concepts of who you are in Christ, how sin and sickness have no authority or dominion in our lives and so much more that the Holy Spirit quickened to both Senthil and Victoria. 

They learned three important concepts at the conference: 
  1. Our identity and authority in Christ
  2. Speaking to the ‘mountain’ from our authority in Christ
  3. Believe we have received, even before the symptoms are gone

That day God showed them what they didn’t know and sparked faith in their hearts. Derek’s parents talked about asking Andrew Wommack to pray for their baby just as he announced from the platform, “Don’t come to me for prayer because you’re not praying in Andrew Womack’s power; you’re praying, using the power of God through Jesus Christ.” They understood what he was saying.

Derek was prayed for by a young lady on the prayer team—a Bible college student—and he was healed that weekend. Praise God! They had a dining room table heaped with medicines they kept for years as a testimony of God’s amazing grace. Derek is now a healthy, thriving young man and his sister, Alexandra, who came along 5 years later, adores him. Derek knows the miraculous story of his first year of life and the healing power of Christ. 

Victoria and Senthil attend the Andrew Wommack Ministries Grace and Faith Conference every year and have continued to learn and receive answered prayers/healings for their family and friends. Brother Duane’s personal testimony was especially impactful, and they continue to listen to the ministry messages from both Brother Duane and Andrew Wommack. It is liberating to finally know what you didn’t know, and to know the One who knows you fully.

When the Word tells you who you are, that is the TRUTH no matter what your flesh says. Get into the Word and find out who GOD says you are!

Discover your identity in Christ with the Who Am I? USB PackageThis content will help you discover how to walk in your identity according to the Spirit and not the flesh. The Who Am I? USB package offers the printed booklet, a full set of teachings and study tools designed to help you see who you are from the Word of God.

The comprehensive package is perfect for individual study or group discussion, empowering you with foundations from the Word of God to become confident in your identity and purpose in His Kingdom.

What’s Inside the USB Package:

  • The printed booklet Who Am I?
  • Study materials and workbooks for deeper understanding
  • Brother Duane’s video teachings that expand on key principles

Equip yourself with everything you need to identify with Christ and fulfill your God-given purpose. Invest in the complete package and start to strengthen your faith today!

God created you exactly the way He wanted you

God has a good, prosperous, and blessed plan for each one of us. Your identity is directly connected to your God-given purpose. Through Scripture-based insights and practical strategies, Brother Duane helps you discover your identity in Christ. Download this FREE booklet to begin your journey of discovery today!

Renew your mind to all the New Creation realities!

Whether you’re a new believer or a life-long Christian, take a deep dive into the Word. We have everything you need to identify with everything God says about you.

Step 1: Go all in with the USB package for in-depth study materials

Step 2: Download your FREE digital booklet


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