Duane Sheriff Ministries, Divine Guidance, Hearing God’s Voice, GPS

Devotional: Which Way Now?

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Posted on:  October 14, 2024 



Most of us have become reliant on our GPS (Global Positioning System) to get where we need to go. Whether we have a GPS on our phone, built into our car or carried in place of a compass, the general public no longer uses gas station maps, MAPSCOs or handwritten instructions to navigate our way around town. God had a supernatural guidance system in place before time began to help us navigate our way through life. The question is, how do we get tuned in to His guidance system to know which way to go?

Excerpt from: Divine Guidance – Hearing and Responding to the Voice of God

Duane Sheriff Ministries, Divine Guidance, Hearing God’s Voice, GPS

Scripture says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 NKJV). Faith begins and ends where the word and will of God are known. My breakthrough came when I learned that God desired to direct me with His voice. When I understood that God was always speaking and realized I just needed to learn the language of the Spirit, things changed. You see, every kingdom has a dominant language. In America, the dominant language is English. In Mexico, it is Spanish. The language of the Spirit is love, peace, visions, dreams (just to mention a few). 

The Word says His sheep know His voice. That means you and I (His sheep) recognize His voice and know when He is speaking. Recognizing the language of the Spirit is something you need to practice to keep your ears tuned into His voice and tuned out from the voices of the world. Romans 10:17 above gives one way to fine-tune your ears—the Word of God. Having the Word in your heart gives you the ability to tune out deception and tune in to His divine guidance.

“Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:11-12 NLT

God has spoken in all of these ways before—in the wind and the earthquake and the fire. And He can still speak in any and every way possible, but He chooses to speak in the way you will hear best. At the time of this passage, the Lord needed Elijah to press in closely and listen. After all the “big stuff” that went down on Mount Carmel, God gave Elijah a glimpse into His heart. God assured Elijah he was not alone, he was seen and cared for, there was a plan for His people and for Elijah himself. And God knew Elijah needed to hear those things in a gentle voice. 

Divine Guidance is available to you every day, all day. God is a speaking God and you can hear Him, because you know His voice. He often speaks through a friend with encouragement, through a teacher with instruction, through the seasons with faithfulness, through the sunrise with hope, through His Word with wisdom and through your heart with peace. 

Take time as you read the Word and worship in His presence to still your heart and mind. Listen for His gentle whisper speaking words of life and hope and joy. Knowing His Word will supernaturally increase your ability to hear, because your spirit and His Spirit are spending time together, getting to know each other. And hearing Him in the quiet moments will train your ear to seek and hear Him in the chaotic moments.

To learn more, download the first chapter of Duane’s book, Divine Guidance – Hearing and Responding to the Voice of God. Or order a copy shipped to your home. You will be glad you did.

Watch Broadcasts on the Website

Brother Duane has taught in depth about Divine Guidance on his broadcast, which you can watch on our website, app, YouTube, or on TV. Tune in to hear the truth of the Word of God concerning hearing God’s voice!


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