
Dear Friends and Partners,

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Posted on:  December 20, 2024 



I wanted to take time before the end of the year to let you know how faithful the Lord has been in 2024. You are part of everything we do, and you are with us everywhere we go. Thank you for your incredible generosity in resources, prayer, and support. You are helping us make an eternal impact on people all over the world.

We’ve been so blessed by Pastor Duane’s Ministry. Thank you so much and God Bless you for sowing God’s Word into our lives! –Email from a partner

Growing Worldwide

As we see new opportunities around the globe, we’re reminded of Romans 10:14: “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”

AWESOME MESSAGE! Never heard the milk and meat explained like that. All I got was confirmation that I am going the right direction. Thank You Jesus!!!!! –YouTube Listener

Here’s how we’re growing:

1. Travel:
  • We’re honored to be invited back to the Grace and Faith Conference in the UK and the Netherlands in 2025.
  • New invitations are coming in from places we haven’t visited before.
  • We’ll speak at two new ministers’ conferences in 2025, supporting and encouraging church leaders.
2. Media:
  • Our TV show “Grace and Truth” continues to attract more viewers.
  • We’re constantly receiving feedback about how our messages are changing lives.
  • Our digital platforms are reaching more people than ever.
3. Publications:
  • Several books and shorter publications are in development.
  • Our team of editors, proofreaders, and publishers is working hard on many new projects.
  • We’ve created three new USB teaching/study materials, with more coming soon.
  • We’re developing new resources for Bible studies and small groups.

I first picked up your free CD’s in the TA truck stop in Sweetwater Texas, 2007. My brother-in-law had just had a massive heart attack. I stopped and there was a small chapel so I went in to ask them to pray with me and for him. You were my pastor for the next five years—my first five years of sobriety. I’ve been sober now over twenty years! Thank you for what you do. We overcome by the renewing of our mind and you helped me put HOURS of God’s Word into my messed up mind! – FaceBook message from a listener

Sue and I are grateful for your continued support through both donations and prayers. Your faithfulness in putting God’s Kingdom first and using your resources to support His work is creating lasting impact. Thank you for generously partnering with us to store up treasures in heaven.

With grateful hearts,

Brother Duane and Sue Sheriff

Check out this message from Brother Duane and Sue


Welcome to Duane.

Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat, inante metus dictum at tempor usis nans.
