What is a Podcast?
Subscribing to our podcast is a great way to get the latest messages from DSM directly to your device. Once you subscribe, all new messages will automatically be sent to your device, ready for you to listen.
Podcasting is a way to get media files delivered directly to your device for FREE automatically. No need to search for and download them manually or even order them on CD. It doesn’t require an iPod, (that’s just what a bunch of people used when it first became popular and the name kind of stuck.) Basically, any internet connected device that can play music can play podcasts too! The easiest way to get them is to use a “Podcatching” app on your smartphone or tablet. If you’d like to know more about podcasts, and how to get them working on your Apple device, check out this link.
Subscribe in itunes
If you are using an Apple device, the quickest way to get rolling is to subscribe to our podcast using the Podcasts App that comes with your phone or tablet. Follow the link below and click the “subscribe” button. You’re done! Each new message will come to your device automatically.