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Prayer Wall
I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.



I am a Christian a long time and have been through a lot of trouble - also because I did not know how to pray and know God´s will in my life. Lately I have listened a lot to your ministry and AWME and learned a lot of things. I repentedto God to do things my own way and not to seek his kingsdom and will first. I need healing of my back and my intervertebral disc. I need healing for my eyes - I see less clear and am short sighted and my ears, I hear less well too. A few weeks agao I was desperate with my job as I experienced mobbing - I was also scared because of more and more pain in my interverbral disc. So I tried Crypto Future trading - I was not thinming cleraly at this point and lost 50k$ and found out later that because of evil tax laws in Germany I am supposed to pay up to 25k texes for my losses. There are several court judgements that this tax is illegal and now the highest court in Germany has to decide. Also I cannot use the losses in future trading to compile with my wins in spot trading (50k losses against 30k wins) so I am supposed to pay another 15K taxes on it. Alos this has been judged against in sveral German courts and awaits the final judgment of the German Supreme court. Please pray for me, that the highest court in Germany will quickly decide, so that I do not need to pay taxes for losses on top of the losses that I took - I am a single dad and have not that kind of money...

I alos lost my marriage, because I started to understand more of God´s garce and the Holy Spirit and I once lost eversthing I have, because I first was betrayed by buisness partners and then still had tp pay taxes on the stolen earnings...

I really have to fight depressions right now - I could write much more baout my hardships - but these are the most important things right now...I am sorry I did not seek God and his council more - but I had a lot of enimity alos because of trying to follow him - he has doen a lot of miracles, but again and again I get attacked physically, emotionally and financially...I need his grace and mercy and miracles os much now...thanks for your prayers and if the Lord speaks to you please let me know...God bless and thanks for your ministry...

Received: August 19, 2024

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